Friday, 20 May 2011

The. Best. Thing. Ever.

Ok, so that might be a slight exaggeration, but anyone who knows my love of classy and sophisticated knick-knacks (or what some philistines might consider cheap and tacky tat *cough* Omar *cough*) will understand my excitement upon discovering that the Taj Mahal snow globe that one of Omar's friends brought us back from India both flashes and plays music. And not just any music, it plays the Lambada. Oh joy of joys!

If this wasn't enough, this discovery co-incided with Omar's recent trip to Rome, from which he bought me a bobble-headed Pope to add to my collection of Catholic paraphernalia (seriously, they do amazing things with plastic 'gold' leaf).

Put these two wondrous items together and something amazing emerges:

I could listen to this all day. And I do.

The tune does have a habit of sticking in your head, but I'm hoping that it will pass

..... dooooo de do de do, do de do do do de do do dooooo.......

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